Since $150 million is a copper pocket change in the federal budget, the drive to cut the Park Service must be ideologically driven.
Yellowstone by Winter
Winter in Yellowstone National Park reveals wildlife, geothermal features, rivers and quiet with few people while bison, trumpeter swans, river otter and wolves endure the cold. Winter is the time to see Yellowstone.
John Wesley Powell Wanted to Denude the Rocky Mountains
In line with his singular focus on water for farms and towns, Powell opposed the creation of the forest reserves, the precursors to the national forests. He worried that a Forest Service would compete for money with his US Geologic Survey and didn’t want the Forest Reserve designation to prevent dams from being built to feed farms water.
Failed National Park Proposal Could Have Displaced the Manhattan Project
How many people know that there was a big movement to create a new national park in the Los Alamos area before the Manhattan Project
Dark Cloud Spreading
Trump’s climate denialism is now a fringe and extreme view, but one he thrusts forward.
Killing Eagles in the Jemez Mountains
In an unusual chain of events, the Pueblo of Jemez, a Native American community in Sandoval County, New Mexico, was granted a permit to kill one eagle on the Valles …
Federal Firefighting Agencies Face Serious Challenges
We have a National Strategy for updating our response to ever-hotter wildfires. With years of learning, careful consultation, and consideration, the Cohesive Wildfire Strategy offers a chance to respond to …
Time for More Prescribed Fire
Despite recent prescribed fire escapes, we need to ramp up prescribed burning in northern New Mexico and treat many more acres before another dry windy spring causes problems.
Is Wildland Firefighting a Waste of Tax Dollars?
In 2023 when megafires erupt across North America, and our national forests seem trapped in an escalating yet faltering war on wildfire, it might be good to look back …
Why Are Boreal Forests Burning
Americans in the eastern half of the country have been breathing thick smoke from fires in Canada this summer. And if June, the hottest month on record weren’t enough …