Today we have a guest editorial from a former National Park Service employee who talks about the management problems at the Valles Caldera. This matters because the VCNP is one …
Who is Representative Lauren Boebert?
Lauren Boebert made herself very visible as a leader of the 20 people resisting Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s bid to be Speaker of the House this week. She nominated an supported …
What is a “Natural” Forest?
A friend told me he wanted to have the forests of northern New Mexico left “natural”. I heard the same from other people who are not happy about the Forest …
Will Gray Wolves Come Into New Mexico Soon?
Gray wolves could disperse throughout the mountains of Colorado and move into the mountains of northern New Mexico in the near future given the Draft Colorado Wolf Restoration and Management Plan now being finalized in Colorado.
Climate Crisis Pushes Humans Beyond their Abilities to Respond
After the just-concluded COP27 negotiations in Egypt, humanity faces a crisis. The UN -sponsored meetings failed to produce an agreement to reduce carbon emissions that are heating the globe …
Time to Shut Down the Public Lands Livestock Industry
(photo of trespass cattle in the Valles Caldera National Preserve. Photo by Tom Ribe) We aren’t going to solve the climate crisis by doing a few easy things on the …
Politicians Who Won’t Play Fair
Basically, these Trump followers present a law-enforcement problem for America. We need the courts, the police, and maybe the national guard to bring them and their gun toting followers to their senses. We need the voters to send them packing on election night.
Americans Can’t Seem to Focus on the Elephant in the Room
I remember learning about environmental issues when I was a high school kid. I had a wonderful teacher who helped a group of us learn about overpopulation, pollution from coal …
Trespass Cattle Damaging the Valles Caldera – Out of Control
But for the last few years, cattle from the Coyote District of the Santa Fe National Forest have spilled into the Valles Caldera through broken and cut fences. They have trampled the streams in the Valle Toledo and Valle San Antonio that volunteers and land managers spent years restoring from past livestock damage.
Environmental Protection Depends on a Functioning Democracy
Environmentalists and conservationists must be clear eyed and realistic about what is happening in the broader body politic right now. We cannot join the foggy complacency that seems to captivate …