Post-fire flooding can and will happen to Santa Fe if we get a large, high-severity fire burning the Santa Fe Watershed. It is not a question of if but when.
Category: Climate change
Biden Focuses on Western Fire Issues
The United States has a vast area of public forest that needs to burn. Wildfires chip away at these hundreds of millions of acres of decadent forest every year. …
Could there be a Worse Time for a Trump Temper Tantrum?
My view from the Rockies today is troubled. It is hard not to be alarmed by the behavior of our sociopathic ex-president on this day when one of the largest …
Climate Crisis Pushes Humans Beyond their Abilities to Respond
After the just-concluded COP27 negotiations in Egypt, humanity faces a crisis. The UN -sponsored meetings failed to produce an agreement to reduce carbon emissions that are heating the globe …
Time to Shut Down the Public Lands Livestock Industry
(photo of trespass cattle in the Valles Caldera National Preserve. Photo by Tom Ribe) We aren’t going to solve the climate crisis by doing a few easy things on the …
Americans Can’t Seem to Focus on the Elephant in the Room
I remember learning about environmental issues when I was a high school kid. I had a wonderful teacher who helped a group of us learn about overpopulation, pollution from coal …
The Politics of Big Fire in the West
Climate change, on top of the abuse of forests through fire suppression, grazing and intensive logging have created the fire storms of today.
Planning for Disaster
Why did the Forest Service Start a Big Forest Fire in New Mexico? The recriminations have begun. The 320,000-acre Hermit Peak Fire in northern New Mexico has burned …
Hermit Peak, Calf Canyon Fire Considered
A lawyer called me today to find out if I thought she might have a case against the federal government for its role in the origins of the Hermit Peak/Calf …
A Last Ski at Wolf Creek
(This post was written earlier before things got really busy around here.) Mid-April found me on the chairlifts at Wolf Creek Pass ski area on one of the last days …