Winter in Yellowstone National Park reveals wildlife, geothermal features, rivers and quiet with few people while bison, trumpeter swans, river otter and wolves endure the cold. Winter is the time to see Yellowstone.
Category: livestock grazing

Time for More Prescribed Fire
Despite recent prescribed fire escapes, we need to ramp up prescribed burning in northern New Mexico and treat many more acres before another dry windy spring causes problems.

Should We Prescribe Fire in Wilderness Areas?
New Mexico and southern Colorado have beautiful wilderness areas, designated, and protected under the federal Wilderness Act of 1964. We have the Pecos, the Weminuchi, the San Pedro Parks, the …

What is a “Natural” Forest?
A friend told me he wanted to have the forests of northern New Mexico left “natural”. I heard the same from other people who are not happy about the Forest …

Will Gray Wolves Come Into New Mexico Soon?
Gray wolves could disperse throughout the mountains of Colorado and move into the mountains of northern New Mexico in the near future given the Draft Colorado Wolf Restoration and Management Plan now being finalized in Colorado.

Time to Shut Down the Public Lands Livestock Industry
(photo of trespass cattle in the Valles Caldera National Preserve. Photo by Tom Ribe) We aren’t going to solve the climate crisis by doing a few easy things on the …

Trespass Cattle Damaging the Valles Caldera – Out of Control
But for the last few years, cattle from the Coyote District of the Santa Fe National Forest have spilled into the Valles Caldera through broken and cut fences. They have trampled the streams in the Valle Toledo and Valle San Antonio that volunteers and land managers spent years restoring from past livestock damage.

The Politics of Big Fire in the West
Climate change, on top of the abuse of forests through fire suppression, grazing and intensive logging have created the fire storms of today.

Burning in the Snow
The NPS has treated thousands of acres in the Valles Caldera with this thinning and pile burning. The US Forest Service has treated large areas of their land outside of the Valles Caldera the same way with funds provided by Congress.

Exploring the Nambe Badlands Wasteland
Thousands of people per year drive to Chimayo through the brown desert between the Nambe Creek Valley and the Santa Cruz River Valley. Tourists love this stretch for its strange …