A flock of ducks flies over the land, blue sky and warming spring breezes. The birds see a pond reflecting the bright sun and drop onto its surface… never to …
Category: Uncategorized
Wolf Opposition Is Part Of The Culture War
Predators can change how large animals like elk use the landscape and can also preclude excessive browsing of critical areas like riparian zones
The Vanishing Colorado River
The Colorado River is in the midst of an 18 year long drought that may well be the norm going into the future with huge ramifications for millions of people.
Flushing Out Trump’s Appliance Views
By Tom Ribe While many readers find Trump reprehensible, his place as the leader of the conservative movement in America and abroad makes even his most laughable views cause …
Why Trump Hates Wind Energy
By Tom Ribe The headline caught my eye: “Trump Goes on Bizarre Tirade Against Wind Turbines.” I read the article because I care about wind energy as a key solution …
How to go Rafting in Northern New Mexico
Nothing is more quintessentially summer than getting on the river in a raft or a kayak on a wild western river. In a raft you can see wildlife, laugh with …
Bandelier Must not Become a National Park
Recently, Senator Martin Heinrich introduced a bill in the US Senate to change Bandelier National Monument to “Bandelier National Park”. His bill would raise the profile of Bandelier and …
When Simple Things Reveal Surprising Truths
Crested Butte early summer days, the snow retreats up the mountains until the last of it hides from the sun among the north facing peaks and their shading boulders. …
Life Changing Hikes in Redwood National Park
Imagine an environment in the Western US that is climatic opposite the Southwest high desert. Imagine a place where every micron of soil has a green plant growing on …
Wolf Creek Pass Village: Forest Service Blows Off Court
March 1, 2019 Last January we reported that the proposed “Village at Wolf Creek” had been defeated after decades of litigation and opposition. What a surprise when this week the …