We have a National Strategy for updating our response to ever-hotter wildfires. With years of learning, careful consultation, and consideration, the Cohesive Wildfire Strategy offers a chance to respond to …
Tag: Wildfire

Time for More Prescribed Fire
Despite recent prescribed fire escapes, we need to ramp up prescribed burning in northern New Mexico and treat many more acres before another dry windy spring causes problems.

Downtown Santa Fe Could Flood Soon
Post-fire flooding can and will happen to Santa Fe if we get a large, high-severity fire burning the Santa Fe Watershed. It is not a question of if but when.

Biden Focuses on Western Fire Issues
The United States has a vast area of public forest that needs to burn. Wildfires chip away at these hundreds of millions of acres of decadent forest every year. …

Should We Prescribe Fire in Wilderness Areas?
New Mexico and southern Colorado have beautiful wilderness areas, designated, and protected under the federal Wilderness Act of 1964. We have the Pecos, the Weminuchi, the San Pedro Parks, the …

What is a “Natural” Forest?
A friend told me he wanted to have the forests of northern New Mexico left “natural”. I heard the same from other people who are not happy about the Forest …

The Politics of Big Fire in the West
Climate change, on top of the abuse of forests through fire suppression, grazing and intensive logging have created the fire storms of today.

Lightning Fire, Wild and Free
In mid-June lightning struck a remote slope in the Pecos Wilderness east of Santa Fe. The bolt started a fire that ignited dry fuels in a spruce-fir forest and quickly …

Pushing for More Prescribed Burning
“This is the first bill related to wildfire that I’ve seen in Congress that actually has fire in it!” exclaimed Tim Ingalsbee, Director of Firefighters United for Safety Ethics and …

Raking the Forest With Donald Trump and Mike Pence
We unravel the nonsense of Donald Trump’s talk about forest management and wildfire.